Romania – Politics
Romanian State
Romania is a sovereign, independent, unitary, and indivisible National State. Romania is a democratic and social state, governed by the rule of law, in which human dignity, the citizens’ rights and freedoms, the free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values, in the spirit of the democratic traditions of the Romanian people and the ideals of the Revolution of December 1989, and shall be guaranteed. The State shall be organized based on the principle of the separation and balance of powers -legislative, executive, and judicial – within the framework of constitutional democracy.
The flag of Romania is tricolour; the colours are arranged vertically in the following order from the flagpole: blue, yellow, red. The National Day of Romania is the 1st of December. The national anthem of Romania is “Awake, Romanians”. In Romania, the official language is Romanian. The Capital of Romania is the Municipality of Bucharest.
In Romania, the observance of the Constitution, its supremacy and the laws shall be mandatory. Romania is the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens, without any discrimination on account of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political adherence, property or social origin. Romania fosters and develops peaceful relations with all the states, and, in this context, good neighborly relations, based on the principles and other generally recognized provisions of international law.